A Picture and (Exactly) A thousand Words

A Picture and (Exactly) A thousand Words

Several years ago I came across an intriguing artifact at a museum that left me wanting to know more about it. After following my curiosity to information sources, I returned to view the artifact and found the experience of seeing it completely transformed. My...

Who Killed Morgan Earp?

“Who Killed Morgan Earp?” On March 18, 1882, Morgan Earp was assassinated. The most accurate answer. The search for factual information on “Who Killed Morgan Earp,” has long eluded historians. Many of the Cow Boy contingent in Cochise County,...
John Henry “Doc” Holliday Return Ticket Victoria Wilcox

John Henry “Doc” Holliday Return Ticket Victoria Wilcox

Ute Chief, November 12, 1887 Death of J. A. Holliday, in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Tuesday, November 8, 1887, about 10 o’clock a.m., of consumption. J. A. Holliday, or “Doc” Holliday as he was better known, came to Glenwood Springs from Leadville last May, and by...