Tragic Story of Indian Raids

Tragic Story of Indian Raids. Murderer, Women & Children Tortured. Cemetery Filled with Sorrow. A cemetery filled with pioneers, murdered by a Texas Confederate military unit, and others by Indians. The story began with the first families that moved into this...

Robert Casey Grave, Lincoln Co, NM

Robert Casey Grave, Lincoln Co., NM Robert Casey Grave. Robert Casey served Texas State Troops, U.S. Dragoons, Indian Wars , Mexican War. A Prominent Citizen of Lincoln Co. NM. Robert Casey, murdered in Lincoln Co., buried Casey Ranch Cemetery, Lincoln Co. NM. First...

From a Barb Wire Salesman to a Billionaire

From a Barb Wire Salesman to a Billionaire: Bet-a-Million Gates’ Journey. The Man Behind the Legend “Bet a Million” Gates. His story, a barbwire salesman in Texas to forming the Texas Oil Co (TEXACO) and beyond…The Man Behind the Legend...